
    Zones: 8-11
    Exposure: Full Sun, Nocturnal
    Mature Size: 10'-15'H x 3'-6'S
    Bloom: White, Summer
    Pot Size: 3.25”
    Availability: SOLD OUT
    • NON-GMO
    • Chimical free
    • 100% Guarantee
    • Aroma
    • Moonflower Vine Plants for Sale

      Ipomoea alba

      Moonflowers, or commonly known as "Moon Vines", are quick, eager growers that will climb anything within reach. They make a great natural screen for unsightly utility boxes and outlets, and are beautiful decorations to your mailbox, fence, trellis or garden wall. Sometimes they are planted with white datura or purple datura. These twining vines are native to the tropics and do best in full sun in warmer zones. Considered invasive in their native zones because of their fast, reaching habit, Moonflowers are sometimes considered more of a pest than a welcome guest in the garden.

      There is no better plant for the night garden. Moonflower vine has bright white flowers that bloom in the evening just as the sun sets that seem to glow in the darkness, filling the garden with an intoxicating fragrance. The massive blooms are about five to six inches in diameter and open in a large trumpet-like fashion. Highly attractive to bats and moths, the Moonflower is a highly aromatic, sweet scented bloom. Overcast days and cool temperatures can prolong the vine's blooms into the morning, but under normal conditions, Moonflowers close with the rising of the sun. We are proud to offer moonflower plants for sale.

      These are best planted near a patio or walkway where their scent and flowers can be appreciated. Train your voracious vine to grow up and off of the ground which will prolong and protect the plant's blooms.

      *The seeds of the Moonflower plant are highly toxic and should not be ingested.*

    • Make sure that you plant your moonflower in very rich, well-drained soil. The plant also likes to be in full sun, so try and plant it somewhere that receives a good amount of sunlight. It's important to plant the moonflower seeds when the weather is completely warm and there is no more danger of frost. Typically this is around the middle toward the end of May, maybe even into the beginning of June.




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